Tuesday 20 February 2024

Book review of Expired: Covid the untold story by Dr Clare Craig

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This a self-published, deeply-researched book which this reviewer purchased out of the household cat-food budget on the recommendation of Dr John Campbell. 

It can be found at this link:


Dr Craig communicates, with evidence, the failings of those who took decisions without it.

This is a SOLID book, in the sense that everything the author says is backed up by something! It is also compelling. The way the elite managed, first of all, to redefine an outbreak as a pandemic, and then to turn that outbreak into a global panic before inflicting massive social and economic damage whilst actually making everyone less healthy in the name of public health, makes for an hypnotic read.
I can sum it up in pretty well one sentence:

In order for a grave situation to be graspable by "the masses" the elite feel compelled to simplify it to the point where they themselves fail to understand it well enough to make ANY right decisions, legislating instead to make their many wrong decisions unchallengeable.

But for you the reader to see the truth both in my summary and in Dr Craig's presentation, it will be necessary for you to read the book itself and not just my review. 

Here is a link to this review on Amazon:
